Fresh update ☀️  sending out my Goalsetting Blog again for one enlightening reason.
Each quarter, I like to revisit any goals I’ve made.
Whether they are personal goals or work goals, I like to review, celebrate wins and adjust if needed. 
So…… Heres a point of view on Goal Setting

#itsKEY #lifegoals #carpediem  #homesbyhayley

Goalsetting… can feel daunting and put added pressure where I might not feel that  I want it – have you ever felt that?

But a wise mentor once told me that goalsetting is an awakening… it’s a FRESH start… it’s like opening a door that felt jammed shut.

So annually, I get together with my work partners, we go somewhere that might inspire us and we set our goals for the next year.
We take a good hard look at what our successes and missed opportunities were and sit out clear expectations for a

Goal setting  is something that I do in my personal life as well
When you WRITE ✍️ something down -put it on paper, it makes it feel REAL
It’s not just a dream any longer, it’s a commitment -something to strive towards
One of my favorite things to do is sit down with a new scribbler , open up a fresh NEW page
And with one of my favorite pen – I just write right down things I’ve been thinking about, opportunities  I’ve wanted to SEIZE  and NEW things I wanted to do. ☀️
Lookout 2021 … its going to be a BRIGHT NEW YEAR

#Goalsetting #Winning #It’sANewDay #SeizeTheDay #Carpediem #SeizeTheMoment #It’sANewLife #Let’sMakeOpportunitiesHappen #Grateful #Gratitude #ILoveMyLife