Bloom & Groom: Preparing Your Exterior for Spring

As daylight extends and temperatures rise, spring invites homeowners to step outside and embark on more substantial home projects. With the joyous absence of snow, it’s the perfect opportunity to inspect your home for any winter damage and address repairs. Additionally, you can start prepping both your home and garden for the upcoming summer months! Although spring maintenance can seem like a daunting task, the reward of seeing the beauty of your home flourish is well worth it. Let’s take a look at where to start. 

Outdoor Home Maintenance 

Welcome to the great outdoors—of your own home! Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or just getting started, these essential tips will help keep your property in top shape for the season ahead. 

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Start by checking your roof for any signs of damage or missing shingles. Winter can take a toll on roofs, so it’s crucial to address any issues early on. Clear out debris from gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage and prevent water damage to your home’s foundation. If homeowners miss these steps the blocked gutters and downspouts can lead to the deterioration of the wood trim along the eaves, creating an ideal habitat for various critters to enter your attic. 

Clean and Repair Outdoor Surfaces

Give your outdoor surfaces some TLC. Power wash your siding, deck, and driveway to remove dirt, grime, and leftover winter salt. Inspect these areas for any damage, such as cracks or loose boards, and make repairs as needed to prevent further deterioration. This will aid in extending the lifespan and preserve the quality of wood decks, fences, driveways, railings, etc. 

Maintain Your Landscape

Refresh your landscaping for the new season. Trim overgrown bushes and trees, and remove dead branches or plants. Mulch flower beds to retain moisture and prevent weeds from taking over. And if you’re looking for a new hobby, consider planting colourful flowers or vegetables to enhance your outdoor space. All this will aid in the curb appeal of your home as well as outdoor functionality for the upcoming summer season! 

Check Outdoor Outlets, Lighting Fixtures

Inspect outdoor lighting fixtures to ensure they’re working properly and replace any burnt-out bulbs. Test security lights and motion sensors to keep your property safe at night. Also, check pathways, stairs, and handrails for stability and repair any hazards to prevent accidents. Safety comes first! 

Evaluate Water and Irrigation System

Inspect sprinkler heads, hoses, and irrigation systems for leaks or damage. It’s essential to inspect your sprinkler system regularly to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Check each sprinkler head for damage or breakage, as these can lead to inefficient water distribution. Adjust any heads that are spraying the house, particularly windows, to prevent moisture issues. Similarly, adjust heads that spray onto streets, sidewalks, or porches to avoid wasting water. If you’re unsure about maintaining your sprinkler system, it’s wise to hire a professional. Proper maintenance not only saves money on your water bill but also conserves one of our most valuable natural resources! 

Prepare Your Patio and Outdoor Patio Furniture

Entertaining outdoors in the summer is one of the most enjoyable ways to gather with the ones you love. Clean and arrange outdoor furniture, cushions, and accessories. Consider adding new elements like an umbrella, rug, or decorative lighting to create a cozy and inviting outdoor space. 

Organize Outdoor Storage Spaces

Declutter and organize outdoor storage spaces such as sheds, garages, or storage bins. Store winter tools and equipment properly and make room for gardening supplies and outdoor recreational items you’ll use in the coming months. This will ensure your storage is safely stowed and easy to access for upcoming summer maintenance. 

While this may seem like an overwhelming task, creating a seasonal maintenance checklist and scheduling regular tasks to keep your outdoor areas well-maintained throughout the year can help keep things organized and stress-free! By staying proactive, you’ll minimize surprises and maximize enjoyment of your outdoor living spaces. With these outdoor home maintenance tips, you’ll be well-prepared to embrace the beauty of spring and summer while you ensure your home remains a welcoming retreat for family and friends. 

Remember, a little effort and elbow grease can go a long way in preserving the beauty and functionality of your outdoor spaces.